
TCC 2006 Elected Officers
President - John Gilliland, 
John and his wife Barbara live in Virginia Beach VA. In his spacious garage called the "Garagemahal" you'll find several Corvairs including a Rampside, Corsa, Early Coupe and a couple doners.
Vice-President - Mike Hicks,
Mike lives in beautiful Seaford VA and just recently got back into
Corvairs after a 20 year hiatus. He and his wife and son just love
their 1965 Monza convertible.
Secretary-Treasurer - Ruby Rodgers 
Ruby is an icon in this club. She enjoys the Corvairs and people as much as we enjoy her. Ruby likes to travel as this is validated by the number of shows she attends each year.
Activities Director - Jim Weber
Jim Weber lives in Chesapeake with his lovely wife Beverly (Bev). In 1964 he had a brand new Corvair Monza Sedan. In 1965 he took it to Gitmo Bay, Cuba sold it and in 1968 brought back a 1961 Corvair Coupe and traded that for a 1966 Corvair Monza Coupe. In 2003, while visiting in Ohio, his Car Buff Friend asked if he would like to look at a “Corvair”. Jim is now the owner of a 1969 Corvair Monza Convertible #0734. It’s called Sweet Pea, because it is Sweet and it is Green.
Newsletter Editor - Gary Bull 
Gary resides in Virgina Beach and maintains a firm hand on the club's newsletter. Another long time member, Gary has numerous Corvairs at The Bull Ranch. "Open Habit" is Gary's 1964 Monza convertible and then there is "AH" as well as several other projects.
Historian - Hubert Smith a.k.a. "Smitty" 
Smitty is known as Mr Techwrench around here. Saying that he has done everything and seen everything Corvair seems to be an understatement. Smitty is an institution in Tidewater Corvair Club and CORSA. Smitty maintains only early model Corvairs and they seem to be primarily 1964's. "Spike", the "64 wagon", the "Grape", and Helens's rampside.
Information about the Tidewater Corvair Club can be found on the TCC HOME page.